Honda HR-V Owners & Service Manuals

Honda HR-V: 12 Volt Battery Removal and Installation


1. 12 Volt Battery Terminal - Disconnect

2. 12 Volt Battery - Remove

Electrical System - Service Information

  1. Remove the 12 volt battery setting plate (A) and the 12 volt battery (B).


1. 12 Volt Battery - Install

Electrical System - Service Information

  1. Install the 12 volt battery (A) and the 12 volt battery setting plate (B).

    NOTE: Do not deform the 12 volt battery setting plate by over-tightening the nuts.

2. 12 Volt Battery Terminal - Connect



NOTE: After turning the vehicle to the OFF (LOCK) mode, do not disconnect and isolate the negative cable connected to the 12 volt battery at least 3 minute.

1. 12 Volt Battery Terminal - Disconnect

Electrical System - Service Information

  1. Make sure the vehicle to the OFF (LOCK) mode
  2. Disconnect and isolate the cable (A) with the 12 volt battery sensor (B) from the 12 volt battery.

    NOTE :

    • Always disconnect the negative side first.
    • To protect the 12 volt battery sensor connector (C) from damage, do not hold it when removing the terminal.
    • Do not disconnect the 12 volt battery sensor from the terminal.
  3. Disconnect the terminal (D) from the 12 volt battery.


1. 12 Volt Battery Terminal - Connect

Electrical System - Service Information

NOTE: If the 12 volt battery performs abnormally, test the 12 volt battery.

  1. Clean the 12 volt battery terminals
  2. Connect the terminal (A) to the 12 volt battery.
    NOTE :
    Always connect the positive side first
  3. Connect the cable and the 12 volt battery sensor (B) to the 12 volt battery.
    NOTE :
    To protect the 12 volt battery sensor connector (C) from damage, do not hold it when installing the terminal
  4. Apply multipurpose grease to the terminals to prevent corrosion.


Removal & Installation

1. 12 Volt Battery Terminal - Disconnect

  1. Disconnect and isolate the negative cable and 12 volt battery sensor from the 12 volt battery.


    • Always disconnect the negative cable from the 12 volt battery first.
    • Do not hold the 12 volt battery sensor connector, for protecting from damage when removing the negative terminal.

2. 12 Volt Battery Terminal Fuse Box - Remove

Electrical System - Service Information

  1. Remove the cover (A)
  2. Disconnect the each cable terminals (B) from the 12 volt battery terminal fuse box (C)
  3. Remove the 12 volt battery terminal fuse box from the 12 volt battery terminal.

3. All Removed Parts - Install

  1. Install the parts in the reverse order of removal.


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