Honda HR-V Owners & Service Manuals

Honda HR-V: Auxiliary Under-Dash Fuse Box Removal and Installation

Honda HR-V (2015-2021) Service Manual / Electrical / Electrical System - Service Information / Auxiliary Under-Dash Fuse Box Removal and Installation

Removal & Installation

1. 12 Volt Battery Terminal - Disconnect

2. Auxiliary Under-Dash Fuse Box A - Remove

Electrical System - Service Information

  1. Remove the cover (B) from the auxiliary under-dash fuse box A (A)
  2. Remove the cable terminal (C)
  3. Remove the connectors (D)
  4. Remove the auxiliary under-dash fuse box A.

3. Bracket - Remove

Electrical System - Service Information

4. All Removed Parts - Install

  1. Install the parts in the reverse order of removal.

    NOTE: Confirm that all systems work properly.


Removal & Installation

1. Console Accessory Power Socket - Remove

Electrical System - Service Information

  1. Gently press the tabs (A), and remove the console accessory power socket (B)
  2. Disconnect the connector (C).

Electrical System - Service Information

  1. Gently press the tabs (A), then remove the housing (B) from the panel.

    Note the location of the indexing tab (C).

2. All Removed Parts - Install

  1. Install the parts in the reverse order of removal.


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