Honda HR-V Owners & Service Manuals

Honda HR-V: Electrical


 Battery Management System - Service Information

REMOVAL & INSTALLATION 12 VOLT BATTERY SENSOR REMOVAL AND INSTALLATION Removal 1. 12 Volt Battery Sensor - Remove Make sure the vehicle to the OFF (LOCK) mode. Disconnect the connector (A). R

 Battery Management System - General Information

DESCRIPTION 12 VOLT BATTERY MANAGEMENT SYSTEM DESCRIPTION - COMPONENTS 12 Volt Battery Sensor The 12 volt battery sensor is located between the 12 volt battery negative pole and the 12 volt battery g

 Charging System - Service Information

REMOVAL & INSTALLATION ALTERNATOR REMOVAL AND INSTALLATION Removal and Installation 1. 12 Volt Battery Terminal - Disconnect 2. Drive Belt - Remove 3. Positive Cable and Connector (Alternator) - D


 AWD Control Unit Connector For Inputs And Outputs (AWD)

AWD Control Unit Inputs and Outputs for 24P Connector (Connector Disconnected) AWD SYSTEM BLEEDING (AWD) Procedure NOTE: Whenever the rear differential assembly is disassembled, the AWD with intelligent control system must be bled. 1. HDS - Connect 2. AWD System - Air Bleed Select the ADJUSTME

 Playing Internet Radio

U.S. models Compatible phones only Connect a compatible phone through Bluetooth. Pandora, the Pandora logo, and the Pandora trade dress are trademarks or registered trademarks of Pandora Media, Inc., used with permission. Pandora is currently available exclusively in the United States. To find out

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