Honda HR-V Owners & Service Manuals

Honda HR-V: Audio Unit Power Switch Will Not Turn ON (No Information Display And No Sound)

Honda HR-V (2015-2021) Service Manual / Accessories & Equipment / Audio Visual Systems - Testing & Troubleshooting / Symptom Troubleshooting / Audio Unit Power Switch Will Not Turn ON (No Information Display And No Sound)


  • Check the vehicle 12 volt battery condition first.
  • Check the connectors for poor connections or loose terminals.

1. Problem verification:

  1. Turn the vehicle to the ON mode.
  2. Press the POWER button on to see if the audio unit turns on.

Does the audio system operate properly, and does the audio sound normal?


Intermittent failure, the system is OK at this time.


The failure is duplicated, go to step 2.

2. Fuse check:

  1. Turn the vehicle to the OFF (LOCK) mode.
  2. Check the following fuses.

Audio Visual Systems - Testing & Troubleshooting

Are the fuses OK?


Go to step 3.


Replace the fuse (s), and recheck. If the fuse (s) blows again, check for a short in the No. B22 (10 A) fuse and/or the No. C37 (7.5 A) fuse circuits.

3. Open wire check (+B AUDIO line):

  1. Disconnect the following connector.

NOTE: Eject all the discs before disconnecting the audio unit to prevent damaging the CD player's load mechanism.

Audio unit connector A (24P)

  1. Measure the voltage between test points 1 and 2.

Audio Visual Systems - Testing & Troubleshooting

Is there battery voltage?


The +B AUDIO wire is OK. Go to step 4.


Repair an open in the wire between the No. B22 (10 A) fuse in the under-hood fuse/relay box and the audio unit.

3. Open wire check (ACC line):

  1. Turn the vehicle to the ON mode.
  2. Measure the voltage between test points 1 and 2.

Audio Visual Systems - Testing & Troubleshooting

Is there battery voltage?


The ACC wire is OK. Go to step 5.


Repair an open in the wire between the No. C37 (7.5 A) fuse in the under-dash fuse/relay box and the audio unit.

5. Open wire check (GND line):

  1. Turn the vehicle to the OFF (LOCK) mode.
  2. Check for continuity between test points 1 and 2.

Audio Visual Systems - Testing & Troubleshooting

Is there continuity?


The GND wire is OK. Go to step 6.


Repair an open or high resistance in the wire between the audio unit and body ground (G404).

6. Audio unit check (substitution):

  1. Substitute a known-good audio panel - Refer to: Audio Unit Removal and Installation (Display Audio Type (7-inch Screen) ), or Audio Unit Removal and Installation (Color Audio Type (5-inch Screen) ).
  2. Reconnect audio unit connector A (24P), and recheck.

Does the symptom go away?


Replace the original audio panel.


Replace the audio unit - Refer to: Audio Unit Removal and Installation (Display Audio Type (7-inch Screen) ), or Audio Unit Removal and Installation (Color Audio Type (5-inch Screen) ).


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