Honda HR-V Owners & Service Manuals

Honda HR-V: Keyless Access System Symptom Troubleshooting - The Key-In Reminder Does Not Sound

1. Open wire check (driver's door switch line).

  1. Turn the interior light switch to DOOR position.
  2. Open the driver's door.

Does the front individual map light come on?


The driver's door switch wire is OK. Go to step 2.


Open or high resistance in the wire. If the wire is OK, replace the driver's door switch.

2. Determine possible failure area (gauge control module, others).

  1. Select GAUGES from the BODY ELECTRICAL SYSTEM SELECT menu with the HDS.

Self diagnostic function - CAN METER

  1. Select FUNCTIONAL TESTS from the TEST MODE menu with the HDS, and enter SELF TEST.

Does the key-in reminder sound?


Go to step 3.


Replace the gauge control module.

3. Determine possible failure area (keyless access control unit, others).

  1. Open the driver's door.
  2. Connect terminals A and B with a jumper wire.

Security System Keyless Entry System - Testing & Troubleshooting

Does the key-in reminder sound?


Replace the keyless access control unit.


Go to step 4.

4. Open wire check (KEY SW line).

  1. Turn the vehicle to the OFF (LOCK) mode.
  2. Disconnect the following connectors.

Under-dash fuse/relay box connector D (24P)Keyless access control unit connector A (32P)

  1. Check for continuity between test points 1 and 2.

Security System Keyless Entry System - Testing & Troubleshooting

Is there continuity?


The KEY SW wire is OK. Faulty MICU; replace the under-dash fuse/relay box.


Repair an open or high resistance in the wire.


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