Honda HR-V Owners & Service Manuals

Honda HR-V: Check


 A/C Compressor Clutch Check

Check 1. A/C Compressor Clutch Clearance - Check Check the armature plate (A) for discoloration, peeling, or other damage. If there is damage, replace the clutch set. Check the pulley (B) beari

 A/C Refrigerant Leak Check

*These tools are available through the Honda Tool and Equipment Program; call 888-424-6857 Special Tools Required R134a A/C Automatic Recovery, Recycle, Recharge Machine ROB48920T, commercially avail

 A/C System Noise Check

Check Air conditioning refrigerant or lubricant vapor can irritate your eyes, nose, or throat. Be careful when connecting service equipment. Do not breathe refrigerant or vapor. The A/C system


 DTC B0072-13

NOTE: Before doing this troubleshooting procedure, find out if the vehicle was in a collision. If so, verify that all the required components were replaced with new components of the correct part number, and that they were properly installed. Before doing this troubleshooting procedure, rev

 Auxiliary Input Sound Is Low Or Cannot Be Heard

NOTE: Check the vehicle 12 volt battery condition first. Set the fader and the balance positions to the center. Use auxiliary stereo cables with 3.5 mm ends only. Check the connectors for poor connections or loose terminals. 1. Problem verification 1: Turn the vehicle to the ON mode. Turn o

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