1. Problem verification:
Do both FCW and LDW indicator go off?
Intermittent failure, the system is OK.
Go to step 2.
2. Fuse check 1:
Is the fuse OK?
The fuse is OK. Reinstall the fuse, then go to step 3.
Replace the fuse. If the fuse blows again, repair the short to ground on the No. C21 (10 A) fuse circuit.
3. Fuse check 2:
Is the fuse OK?
The fuse is OK. Reinstall the fuse, then go to step 4.
Replace the fuse. Turn the vehicle to ON mode, then back to the OFF (LOCK) mode. If the fuse blows again, repair the short to ground on the No. C27 (7.5 A) fuse circuit.
4. Open wire check (IG1 VSA/EPS line):
Multi purpose camera unit 12P connector
Is there battery voltage?
The IG1 VSA/EPS wire is OK. Go to step 5.
Repair an open in the wire between the under-dash fuse box and the multi purpose camera unit.
5. Open wire check (+B MP CAMERA line):
Is there battery voltage?
The +B MP CAMERA wire is OK. Go to step 6.
Repair an open in the wire between the multi purpose camera unit and the under-dash fuse/relay box.
6. Open wire check (GND line):
Is there continuity?
The GND wire is OK. Go to step 7.
Repair an open in the wire between the multi purpose camera unit and the body ground at G501.
7. Open wire check (IG1 VSA/EPS line):
Is there battery voltage?
The IG1 VSA/EPS wire is OK. Go to step 8.
Repair an open in the wire between the LDW OFF switch and the under-dash fuse/relay box.
8. Open wire check (LDW OFF SW line):
Is there battery voltage?
Go to step 9.
Go to step 10.
9. Open wire check (LDW OFF SW line):
Is there battery voltage?
Check for loose terminals in the multi purpose camera 12P connector. If the multi purpose camera was updated and the symptom/indication is still present, replace the multi purpose camera unit.
Repair an open in the wire between the LDW OFF switch and the multi purpose camera unit.
10.Shorted wire check (LDW OFF SW line):
LDW OFF switch 12P connector
Is there continuity?
Repair a short to body ground in the wire between the LDW OFF switch and the multi purpose camera unit.
Replace the LDW OFF switch.
Troubleshooting Start